The Skulls II

- Yes?
- Mrs. Beckford?

What do you want?
My name is Ryan Sommers,
and I'd just like to talk to you
about your son, Will.

What is it, dear?
We don't want any trouble.
I just wanna find out
what really happened to your son.

Sir, I'm not here
to threaten you.

I'm here because I don't
wanna see this happen again,

and... I need your help.
We fought for
as long as we could until the money gave out.

Getting an attorney
to represent us was nearly impossible.

He dropped the case
after a month.

But what about
the New Haven police?

You have no idea what you're getting
yourself tangled up in, do you?

The Skulls are everywhere,
in everything.

I know, but surely there could have been
someone who could have helped you with your case,

just by the sheer nature of it.
I mean, the student body knew about it.
The dean of the school knew about it.

It doesn't make a difference.
No matter who challenges them,
they have a way of silencing that person.

There are no exceptions.
I know.
I'm just--
I'm trying to get to the truth.

The truth is our son
was taken from us...

for an article in a newspaper.
He was caught inside the Skulls' Tomb
and they killed him for it.
