The Skulls II

Probabil cã da.
Ce vei face?

Vei merge la poliþie?
Cu ce?

Da, nu am cu ce.
Ascultã. Putem sã ne
oprim undeva pânã la Ali?

Trebuie sã mã schimb.
Câºtiguri de rãzboi?
Aþi comandat o porþie
triplã de prãjiturã cu ciocolatã?

N-ar trebui sã-mi mai aduci
prãjiturã noaptea cã mã îngraº ca naiba.

Pãi dacã guºti puþin, mai mult nu stricã.
-Mâncãtoare de prãjituri?

Ce vrei sã spui?
N-ai mai auzit aºa ceva?

-Înseamnã cã eºti o fatã micã ºi rãsfãþatã.

Yeah, maybe he is.
So, what are you gonna do?

Go to the cops?
With what?

Yeah, it's nothing.
Hey, listen. Can we make a
couple of stops before Ali's?

I gotta change and stuff.
Booty call?
Did you order a triple
chocolate suicide cake?

You better stop bringing me
cake in the middle of the night. I'm gonna get huge.

Well, I figured you already were a little
cake eater, so a little more wouldn't hurt.

''Cake eater''?

Now, what is that supposed to mean?
You never heard that before?

Means you're a spoiled, little rich girl.
