The Skulls II

Din potrivã. O secundã.
Sunt aproape sigur cã asta e mãsura ta.
Ar trebui sã ne îmbrãcãm. Am întârziat.
Nu. Stai.
-Ce vrei sã spui, sunt admis?
-Da, frate, eºti admis.

-Super. De ce?
-Din douã motive.

Primul: cã nu ai amestecat pe nimeni
în povestea asta,

cu toate cã aº fi vrut sã vii prima
datã la mine sau la Hutch.

ªi al doilea, cel mai important, fratele tãu.
S-a expus pentru tine.
Sã nu mai dezamãgeºti
ordinul ºi nici pe el.

On the contrary. One second.
I'm pretty sure that
this is in your size.

We should all get dressed.
We're late.

No. W-W-Wait, wait, wait.
- What do you mean, I'm in?
- Yeah, bro, you're in.

Well, that's great.
But why? Two reasons.

One: You didn't bring
any outsiders into this,

although I wished you would
have come to me or Hutch first.

And two--
most importantly-- your brother.

He went out on
a limb for you.

Don't let him orthe Order
down ever again.
