The Sum of All Fears

How is he?
He's scheduled a press conference
for this afternoon...

so at least we know
he can sit up.

- Why not negotiate?
- The interview is over.

Only criminals and their friends
in the West wish it to be separate.

But, Mr. President,
if you will kindly come back...

we do have a few more questions
we would like to ask you.

You see what I see?
- His jacket.
- He used to button it all the way.

He's gettin' fat!
I know how he feels.
Wow. Look at that.

Maybe it's not the same jacket.
No... Yeah. Shiny sleeves. He wore it
last time he got out of the hospital.

- He's definitely off the diet.
- He's also off the wagon.

You hear how he slurred?
That must be why Chelinski's hanging
around, to keep him off the sauce.

Where's Chelinski?
Next to... What's her name?
The chick with the brown hair.

- Elena Rishkov.
- No, that is not Chelinski.

Busted. It's Chelinski.
You're thinking Cherpitski.
That ain't Cherpitski, either.

- I know. It's Chelinski.
- No, it's not. Trust me.

He's next to Elena Rishkov. He was
banging her at the Geneva Summit.

Chelinski was not at Geneva.
Cherpitski was at Geneva.

What are you saying? Cherpitski
was banging Elena Rishkov?

I say Zorkin's putting on weight.
Why reduce everything to sex?

I agree. Write it up.
And if he is putting on weight...

that might have health consequences
so get it in the afternoon brief.

And somebody find out who is banging
Elena Rishkov. This is good.

What shall we make of Chechnya...
asking the West for protection?
She is like a beautiful virgin...
escaping the clutches
of a lecherous bear...

and running to Bill Clinton
to save her maidenhood.

A poet once wrote:
