The Sweetest Thing

- You know what? Neither have I.
- High five on the clean poon-nonny.

- What is this?
- What is what?

What is this?
Jesus, I don't know.
I don't know how long it's been in here.

What is in here?
No! That is not okay.
It isn't okay. You are a disgusting,
nasty pig. Do you understand?

There was maggots on that flesh.
I got maggot juice all over me.
Ladies' room.
Ladies' room.
- Someone's in here.
- Sorry.

- It might be a while.
- How long?

Let me put it to you this way:
I had lamb curry last night
and I'm shittlng out a Buick.

Was it absolutely vital
for her to tell us that?

Was it absolutely vital
for her to tell us that?

I feel like I have maggots all over me.
Don't move. You have a maggot right here.
Stop it.
I'm going to pee my pants.
I'll just use the urinal.
You want to hear some poetry?
"There once was a man from Bandoo
Who fell asleep in a canoe"

"He dreamed of Venus
And played with his penis"

"And woke up with a handful of goo"
Don't make me laugh!
Darn it. I think I peed on myself.
"Follow the yellow brick road"?
I'm following the yellow brick road.
Follow the yellow brick road.
