The Weight of Water

Your mother looked
a little tired.

She can handle it.
If you're not used to having
a five-year-old around...

I thought the whole point
was to get away.

If you're gonna worry
about Billie all weekend...

All right, Thomas.
I'm looking forward
to seeing Rich.

It's been quite a while.
A weekend with my brother...
that's a rare treat.

I'm a photographer
for a magazine.

They're doing an article
about the murders.

My brother-in-law
has a boat,

and I thought he could
take us to Smuttynose Island,

- Where the murders happened.
- Hey, there...

We left our daughter
with her grandmother.

I thought it would be
sort of a vacation.

Jean, this is Adaline.
Adaline, this is my favorite
sister-in- law.

- Favorite and only.
- Caught on a technicality.

Rich introduced us
to his new girlfriend.

- Hi.
- Hi.

I didn't know
he was bringing anyone.

This is my husband, Thomas.
Adaline, wasn't it?

We've met, actually.
Hi. At the writers'
dinner, right?

- Yeah.
- Oh yeah.

- Hey.
- Hey. It's been too long.

Where's all this go?
