The Weight of Water

The best cure
for melancholy is industry.

And though the winds
blew for days, neverending,

and the gulls
never ceased their cries,

we drew strength
from the rhythm of our labors.

And from God.
My husband and I grew
accustomed to the solitude.

I didn't mind the work.
I never complained.
I was brought up for this.
The wind carried off
our speech

so we spoke less.
And with work, I suppose,
we had less to say.

It is better
not to take the chance

of asking
an uncomfortable question,

or revealing an affection
for another person

that may bring
unintentioned pain.

It is wiser,
I think,

to keep silent
and preserve the bond.

I knew that I would not
be able to leave the island.

I had to bite my cheek to keep
from breaking into tears,

that once started,
might continue forever.
