The Weight of Water

I'm surprised.
I thought our brother
bore you a special affection.

He's probably busy.
He was not too busy
to be a comfort to me.

He took me on a holiday
over Easter.

And to the theater.
And to supper.

And we stayed in a hotel.
He's prospered

And put money by.
No doubt he will soon
meet a young woman

to turn his head.
Perhaps he'll come
to America.

Don't be absurd.
A man who prospers
in his own country

has no need to flee.
He's well, though?
And happy?
Oh yes, Maren.
Never better.
We found Karen
a domestic position

early that spring
at the Appledore Island Hotel.

I hoped the work
might occupy her.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- You sleep well?
- Yeah.

Guess I'm the last one up.
- Hi.
- Hi.

I thought we could
call Billie later.

I just did.
Oh, you could have
told me.

They were going to the park.
I said you'd call later.

- Is she all right?
- She misses us.

She said that?
