The Weight of Water

How long have you been
interested in Thomas' poetry?

I think I've
always read Thomas.

After the prize,
I guess everyone does, huh?

Not with such
sensitivity, no.

- You're joking with me, right?
- No. I'm absolutely serious.

It's obvious he enjoys
talking to you about his work.

Not that he actually
writes much anymore.

"Blocked" is a cliché
you'll never hear him stoop to.

Oh. I wondered
about that.

You know
he killed a girl?

Thomas killed a girl?
I don't understand.
I don't understand.
When the car accident...
his scar, you know...

Thomas was driving.
There was a girl
in the car with him,

and Thomas went off
the road,

caught his rear wheel
in a ditch and flipped over.

She died.
They were 17.

Was he drunk?
So the poems were about her...
"The Magdalene Poems"?

An examination...
of a 17-year-old girl
in the last four seconds
of her life.

"To separate from life,
From tantalizing mysteries
and salt spray...

from grave gypsy eyes
and the sacred poignant flesh
of long-limbed dancers.
