The Weight of Water

- Not always to be believed.
Quite true, sir.

We must respect
the jury's decision.

Is that understood?
There are times
in your life when you sense

that something
is about to happen.

And at the same time
you realize it already has.

They say it's also true
of dying.

You can see your life
in an instant,

beginning with birth and ending
with total knowledge.

"Though they sink
through the sea,

they shall rise again.
Though lovers be lost...
Iove shall not."
I believe
that in the darkest hour,

God may restore faith
and offer salvation.

Toward dawn,
in that cave,

I began to pray
for the first time

since Evan had spoken
harshly to me.

These were prayers
that sprang from tears

shed in the blackest moments
of my wretchedness.

I prayed for the souls
of Karen and Anethe,

and for Evan,
who would walk up the path
to the cottage in a few hours

and wonder why his bride
did not greet him at the cove.

And again for Evan, who would
stagger away from that cottage

and that island,
and never return again.

And I also prayed
for myself,
