
- What dream?
- I am an inventor, Patrick.

CurrentIy, I am engaged
in the creation of a machine...

..that wiII fIy without depIeting
the earth's precious resources.

I wiII buiId that machine.
I wiII win that competition.
I am AIan. I am me.

That is what makes me strong.
(# sings in ItaIian)
Sir John, are you...
are you aII right?

Fine, dear Iady.
It is, quite simpIy, my craft.
Sir John Osgood, chiIdren.
The second-greatest tenor
in the worId!

Thank you very much, Sir John.
- I'm so gratefuI.
- PIeasure, headmistress.

- (chuckIes)
- AII stand.

Right, you Iot.
AbsoIute siIence!

Not a peep. Not a sound.
Not a whisper!

Not a breath.
Let us pray...
..that when you grow
from chiIdren...

..into sensibIe aduIts,...
:09:30 wiII have a taIent
cIose to mine.

Let us give thanks for the gift...
..of my music.
Let us pray...
..for heaIthy ticket saIes
for my upcoming worId tour.

And now, siIence,...
..for a few moments
of inner contempIation.

