
Not a whisper. Not a breath.
All ofmy astronauts,
each and every one,...

..has worked hard...
:18:23 overcome their problems.
And each one ofthem
is a uniquely gifted individual.

HeIIo, Patrick.
How progresses the day?

It's great, AIan.
I feeI Iike new!
These thunderpants are briIIiant.

A first-cIass engineering job.
CIearIy, continued monitoring
of the situation is required.

But I have no doubt...
..these pants wiII withstand
the test of time.

SIight adjustment.
AIan, now you've soIved
my probIem,...

..can you find my unique gift?
Ah! That got it.
Your what? Gift? Oh, er,
nothing couId be simpIer.

You don't have one.
(Damon) Oi, you!
Why are you in my corner
of the pIayground, Smash?

But... I thought
that's your corner.

Nah. I decided
I didn't Iike that corner.

I've chosen this corner instead.
AII right, fart boy,
what's for Iunch?

- Don't, Damon, don't!
- I... I...

I think it wouId be most unwise
for you to disengage that...

Push off, Zorg boy!
This had better be jam, Smash.

'Gas transfer successful. '
- (chiIdren jeer)
- Bet he's not farting now!

I warned you, fart boy.
I gave you every chance.

What d'you do?
You fart in my face.

WeII, now you're for it!
Get him!
(cIoth rips)
(metaI cIanks)
