
..who are stranded up there...
..between heaven and earth.
The boys and girls
at the Space Centre...

..are doing all they can
to launch a rescue mission.

But l gotta tell ya,...
..we're plumb out ofideas.
We're in trouble.
We need a miracle.
(TV) Ed Sheppard there, speaking from
lcarus Control earlier today.

Young man,
I wiII not take no for an answer.

I wish to take you on a worId tour
with me, Sir John Osgood.

You'II see things on the way
you've onIy ever dreamt of,...

..we'II visit countries...
Other countries?
NaturaIIy, yes. Other countries.
AII right.
You'II hear me sing every night
and you'II... What?

AII right, then.
I'II go to other countries.

I'II just get my things.
It's quite a day for you, boy.
So, from out ofthe blue,
l'd been offered a chance,...

..a chance to go to other countries.
lfl went with Sir John,
maybe l could findAlan...

..and we could be Patrick andAlan,
the team, again.

l would take that chance.
l would go with Sir John.

l would sing with my arse.
So, night after night,
l did the high bit with my arse.

(tuneful squeal)
(wild cheering)
(speaks Spanish)
And day after day, l searched
the world for my best friend.
