Todas las azafatas van al cielo

and "Shoveitup" all the way.
Is it always Iike this?
Do you think all pilots
are Iike Saint Exupery?

Land turns them mad.
The one who wrote
"The Little Prince".

The boa that eats the elephant.
Maria and Rubitin
went to wash the windows.

Maria washed the window
and Rubitin your butt.
The Airport Workers Union,
which I chair,
informs its members
that the strike
has been Iifted.

Our intelligence department
has discovered
that the despicable persons

who have
been bothering our community,

as well as the civilians,
are nothing but a bunch...

of assholes without any
operational capacity.

That's why the Union has
brought all of us together

to elect
between our beautiful women,

the Queen of the South.
Let the music begin!
We have to go! Let's go!
Come on.

-Tonight my life will change.
-Tonight, tonight.

I don't want to be alone.
No I don't.
