Treasure Planet

Good morning, Captain.
Everything shipshape?

Shipshape it is, sir,
but l'm not the captain.

The captain's aloft.
Mr. Arrow, l've checked
this miserable ship...

from stem to stern,
and, as usual, it's... spot on.

Can you get nothing wrong?
You flatter me, Captain.
Ah, Dr. Doppler, l presume?
Uh, um, yes. l--
- Hello! Can you hear me?
- Yes, l can! Stop that banging!

lf l may, Doctor,
this works so much better...

when it's right-way up
and plugged in.

- Ooh!
- Lovely. There you go.

lf you don't mind,
l can manage my own plugging!

l'm Captain Amelia...
late of a few run-ins
with the Protean armada.

Nasty business, but l won't
bore you with my scars.

You've met
my first officer, Mr. Arrow.

Sterling, tough, dependable,
honest, brave, and true.

Please, Captain.
Oh, shut up, Arrow. You know
l don't mean a word of it.

Ahem, excuse me. l hate to
interrupt this lovely banter...

but may l introduce to you,
Jim Hawkins?

Jim, you see, is the boy
who found the treasure--

Doctor, please!
l'd like a word with you
in my stateroom.

Doctor, to muse and blabber
about a treasure map...

in front of
this particular crew...

a level of ineptitude...

that borders
on the imbecilic...

and l mean that
in a very caring way.

lmbecilic, did you say?
Foolishness, l've--

May l see the map, please?
Hmm. Fascinating.
Mr. Hawkins, in the future...
you will address me
as ''Captain'' or ''Ma'am.''

ls that clear?
Mr. Hawkins?
- Yes, ma'am.
- That'll do.

Gentlemen, this must be kept
under lock and key...
