Treasure Planet

We don't move till
we got the treasure in hand.

say we kill 'em all now
l say what's to say!
Disobey my orders again...
like that stunt you pulled
with Mr. Arrow...

and so help me,
you'll be joining him!

Strong talk,
but l know otherwise.

You got
something to say. Scroop?

lt's that boy.
Methinks you have
a soft spot for him.

Now, mark me, the lot of ya.
l care about one thing,
and one thing only!

Flint's trove.
You think l'd risk it all
for the sake...

of some nose-wiping
little whelp?

What was it now?
''Oh. you got the makings
of greatness in ya ''

Shut your yap!
l cozied up to that kid
to keep him off our scent.

But l ain't gone soft.
Land ho!
Ha ha ha! There it is!
Feast eyes and click heels
if you got 'em.

Where the devil's me glass?
Playing games, are we?
Yeah, we're playing games.
Oh, l see. Well, l was never
much good at games.

Always hated to lose.
