Try Seventeen

Come on.
Hi. I'm--
Think you can mess with me,
you little bastard?

Think you can?
-Hi, Jane.
-Hi, Brad.

-Who's your friend?
-Asshole tried to attack me.

Bad boy.
Think I should shoot him?

No, I'll do it.
Well, well, well. Lookie here.
-Caught yourself a deviant, did you?
-I live here, you lunatics.

-Boy says he lives here, ma'am.

I'm in 2B, upstairs. I just moved in.
He's making it up.
-Listen, hot stuff, are you 2B or not?
-Yes, damn. I'm 2B.

Well, all right.
I just got you wired up...

...for the great wide world
and everything in it.

I saw the whole thing.
It was a mistake.
-Don't be so sure. Are you okay?

Come on.
This makes us neighbors, I suppose.
-I'm Lisa.
-I'm Jones. Hi.

Hi. You can keep them if you want.
Call it a housewarming.

Thank you.
I'd ask you to stay....
