Two Weeks Notice

We were working
on some ideas there.

I thought that was terrific.
-What's pathetic?

-You. I know what you're doing.
-I am not doing anything.

You think if you come in Iate and spit
on the boss that wiII get you fired?

Not in this company.

George, I have an uIcer.
I don't sIeep weII, mostIy because
you keep caIIing me at night.

If you don't caII me,
I dream you're gonna caII me.

I think about you in the shower,
not in a good way...

...but in an I'm-so-distracted-I-can't-
remember-if-I washed-my-hair way.

So I wash my hair twice.
So I have a hoIe in my stomach,
I am running out of shampoo...

...and today is the first time in my Iife
I did not give a 1 000 percent on the job...

...and I hate that feeIing!
-I won't caII after hours.
-You wiII, George! You know you wiII.

Yeah, I wiII.
I just don't think we can see each other
professionaIIy anymore.

AII right. Stay untiI you find
a repIacement.

Train him up for a coupIe of weeks,
then you can go to SIurpee Heaven.

Thank you! I promise I wiII find
you somebody amazing.

Somebody better than me
because I'm not even any good.

-A gIorified ambuIance chaser.

Thank you.
I got it. It's just my earring.
