Two Weeks Notice

-My hair!
-CarefuI! That's my overpriced ItaIian beIt.

Just get it off!
Join us. We were just brainstorming.

I was thinking it might be a good idea
to do a photo op at the buiId site...

...where George wouId be in the....
George in the foreground,
pointing up to the sky...

-...Iike this.

Then I thought I couId take my beIt off,
as if to say, Iet's get to work!

Right. Right-o.
On behaIf of Wade Corporation,
I'd Iike to thank the Community Board...

...for giving us the opportunity
to work with you on this project.

And we Iook forward to seeing
aII of you at the groundbreaking.

I did weII with those eight peopIe.
-I thought you were fantastic.
-This way, Mr. Wade.

Just Mr. Wade.
-Great. Can we go now?

AbsoIuteIy. I just want to say heIIo
to my foIks.

Excuse me.
-Hi, honey.
-Hi, Daddy.

-Is that a new coat? I Iike it.

What a wonderfuI surprise!
We finaIIy meet after aII this time.

George Wade.
Mrs. KeIson, I presume.
What a pIeasure.
WeII, I can certainIy see
where Lucy gets her stare from.

I'm Larry. It's a pIeasure to meet you.
Thanks, Larry. Same here.
Thank you for Ietting Lucy quit.
It certainIy made our week.

-Great pIeasure.
-We shouId get back to the office.

-Come on! Have some cake.
-We can't.

We're two bIocks from the apartment.
-You Iive around here?

-What a charming coincidence.
-It won't be charming...

...once you bIock out the sun
with this condo-hoteI monstrosity!

We wiII have a sun deck.
