Two Weeks Notice

Jesus, carefuI.
There's a June Carver to see you.
-June Carver, June Carver, June Carver.
-She went to Harvard.

Yeah, weII, so did I. Now Iook at me.
Norman. Norman. Norman.

She didn't have a strong background
in property Iaw.

She's down from Boston.
She onIy wants five minutes.

This is June Carver.
-Hi. It's a pIeasure to meet you.
-You too.

I don't have an appointment,
so feeI free to throw me out.

WeII, I have security on standby.
-Have a seat, pIease.

Did you have CriminaI
with Professor Rappaport?

-Oh, my God. I'm stiII shaking.

But I have to teII you, Miss KeIson,
you are a Iegend there.

-Editor of the Law Review.

The articIes you wrote on
the Richmond case. You're an inspiration.

WeII, yeah, I--
I don't have a strong background
in property, but neither did you...

...and Iook what you've accompIished.
WeII, you know, not that much, reaIIy.
I just--

And there's this.
I've never met Mr. Wade...
...but in Public Policy magazine
he was interviewed...

...about the chaIIenges
of urban deveIopment and he said that--

Is it ridicuIous that I'm quoting this?
No, not yet.
''Architecture can shape a community
and turn strangers into neighbors.

The right design for a park
makes peopIe feeI secure.

A schooI buiIding can be functionaI
and beautifuI...

:50:45 kids feeI engaged instead
of imprisoned.''

When I read that, it made me feeI
I'd be working for a cause...

...not just a company.
Okay. You're hired.
You're Mr. Wade.
