Umi wa miteita

You shouldn't be working yet.
I'm all right.
You're still awfully pale.
If you get sick again,
you'll be in real trouble.

I'm all right. I'm fine.
All right, but take care of yourself.
It's really been a bad year, hasn't it?
First, that thing happens,
then O-Shin gets sick...

and now the Missus is ill and gone to a spa.
It's that louse's fault.
He brought us bad luck.

That's enough about him.
Who are you to say what I can talk about?
The Missus left this house in my care.
I'm the Missus.

I do things her way.
Yes, ma'am.
"Give the customers a good time,
and never get involved."

"If they fall in love, you don't."
"And make sure you get paid."
Come on, honey. I'll give you a deal.
