Undercover Brother

Maybe, but that would be
some long division.

You hit me pretty good,
but I wasn't ready.

Now, any time you think you want to
get feisty or throw down...

So, Sistah Girl,...
if you're not here
for Undercover Lover,...

you must be here
for Undercover Brother.

What, pray tell,
can I do for you today?

Okay, we're here. Now be cool.
This place is top secret.
- Solid.

Man, you know you ain't right.
I'm gonna need my custom shears
for this masterpiece.

Careful. Puncture him and the
hot air's liable to kill you.

Take a seat.
- Don't mind if I do.

We're gonna hook you right up.
- Holy funkadelic!

This is some kind of secret
organization you have here.

Look at all this hi-tech
spy equipment.

You got clippers,
you got T.C.B. activator.

I mean, your only competition
must be the K.G.B.

Or the F.B.I.
Who the hell are you, woman?
You're the Grim Reaper!

I don't want to go to hell!
I ain't never did
nothing but good!

I swear to God
I ain't done nothing wrong!

Oh, come on.
The flashing light and fan
make the drop seem worse than it is.

I knew that.
Entering secure area.
Stand here.
Right here?
