
You take me to the best places.
Let me.
- She's not like that. She's really nice.
- Of course she is.

That makes it worse.
She's nice and she's sweet.

And her ass is in exactly
the same place it was in college.

Are you taking tennis?
Oh, I wouldn't call what I do
"taking tennis."

- There you are. I was starting to worry.
- No, I'm fine.

We thought that heartthrob
abducted you.

What heartthrob?
You didn't see him at the counter?
He was gorgeous.

- I miss everything.
- Your button's undone.

Oh. Thank you.
That's him.
I can see the appeal.
If he looked at me twice,
I'd be on my back.

- You would not.
- I would so. Why not?

A couple of reasons:
Adam and your kids.

You know, Trace,
they wouldn't have to know.

It could be something I did for myself,
to broaden my horizons.

Like taking a pottery class.
- An affair isn't like taking pottery.
- Could be.

It would start out like that.
Then something would happen...

...someone finds out or someone
falls in love and it ends disastrously.

They always end disastrously.
