Welcome to Collinwood

If I get you a Mullinski,
will you marry me?

Will you?
All right! All right! On my mother.
All right. I'll get you a Mullinski.
- Who is it?
- It's Rosalind, Toto. Open up.

Toto no here!
No Toto.
- How'd you find me?
- This is where you live?

- Well, how do you know?
- It's me, Rosalind. Cosimo's woman.

Sweet Jesus. He gave me up, didn't he?
I tried to get him out of that car.

- I swear to God!
- Relax, old man. He didn't give you up.

- He needs your help.
- How can I help?

I'm like a caged animal! All day,
cops everywhere. I don't eat or sleep.

The cops can only get you through
Cosimo, and he'd never give you up.

But you've gotta help.
He needs a Mullinski.

I can't Mullinski for him.
I already did.

- The judge would lock us both up!
- No. He needs you to find a Mullinski.

- The offer's 15 grand.
- Fifteen.

I spent a year in isolation for him,
he only gave me five.

Yeah, well, somebody told him
about a job in there.

A job? What kind of job?
Can I trust you?
He says it could be his Bellini.
- Fifteen for a Mullinski?
- Yeah.

- What's the charge?
- Grand-theft auto.

Shit, forget it. I can't do it.
What are you talking about?
Grand-theft's easy, I did it.

It's not the time. It's my mother.
She'd die on the spot.
