2 Fast 2 Furious

so we know somebody in
the street involved

the driver is taking medicines
I promise to close the
case soon

you want make me a liar?.
what we know?
we know the sereet boys
may involved

If I come across something
I am sure to let you know
but I can't guarantee
you anything

you want me tired by
the magazine

we don't have time
Just give me something
I can use

Is herga cooperative?
If he dosen't he can't get
his car property

He is scared to death
but he is trying and
e can't control

It is not I want contradict
Herga's character

but he really had a hard time
if he dosen't help,we'll
turu our back on him

I need a car
I don't know what to do it
what the hell is this?
What you got there?
this is your car
I said ten secoud car
Not tell ninutes car
you could push the car
to finish it

It could be a trolley
no face
This is a junk
this is a garage

It is no shit
what did I tell you
I'll trust my previous state
This will polished after you
pay 15 grands or more
