Alien Hunter

What the hell is it?
Could be a rock or some sort of fossil.
We picked it up in the Landsat satellite.
First we thought it was a cap deposit,
but the resolution is definitely solid.

How deep in the ice is it?
- Four, maybe five meters.
- What do we do about it?

I talked to the NASA research station
at Rundell Peak.

They'll take it until it melts,
and then decide what to do with it.

All right. Dig it up.
Language is a signaling system that uses
sounds to convey thoughts and emotions.

What makes humans unique
is our ability to introduce into language...

thoughts about the past,
present, or future...

at any point in time and space.
He'll call you back.
Not all language is based on sound.
We communicate in other ways...
that are much less overt
than the spoken word.

So do animals.
The only difference between them and us
can be summarized in one word: Novelty.

When an animal gives a warning
that danger is imminent...

it uses a series
of fairly predictable calls or signals...

that animals of its kind have used before.
This is decidedly not the case with humans.
Oxford English Dictionary
lists 615,000 words...

in the English language.
That's 3,000 more than five years ago...

and thousands less
than a few years from now.

On the other hand...
there's little or no novelty
in animal language.

Tragically, English cows
make the same sounds as French cows.

- Julian.
- Sam.

Listen. Bachman called.
He wants to see you right away.

- Why?
- I don't know.

Did he sound like there was a problem?
