Anatomie 2

Morning, Dr. Jo.
Night shift?
Morning, colleague.
Loose pants today?
It was pretty heavy last night.
Look at this.
I injected you with andromin, here.
The red circles are your orgasms.
Great numbers!
-Andro what?

Adrenalin to get you going,
endorphins to make you happy...

and serotonin to feel good.
Developed it myself.
And because of that, please fill this out.
Medically precise answers.

By the way...
do you know where my panties are?
I sent 'em to my brother.
A fascinating race, but we're ahead
in the neuromuscular field.

Viktoria's injection?
-Rub baby lotion on your little friend.
-Or soak it in herbal tea.

The English have interesting results
in neurotransmitters. MacMillan.

But Charles is altogether the bigger genius.
Hey, Jo! Watch out,
the patient might cut you back.

What's up?
He's always showing off his body.
It's all fake.

Wulf already has eight synthetic muscles.
We'll complete his upper armlshoulder
area with the triceps. Here.

We need young, strong,
healthy test subjects.

Synthetics work like natural muscles...
but with titanium fibres,
silicone, collagens...

synthetic myofilaments.
We implant them...
and connect them to the same nerves.
