Anger Management

...and then I just blacked out.
I blacked out.
And when I woke up, I was standing
over him and I was screaming:

"l told you not to go there!
I told you not to go there!"

How do you feel you
handled that situation?

Not as well as I could've.
Remember, Lou, temper's the one
thing you can't get rid of by losing it.

Now, Fury Fighters, let's say hello
to someone...

...who's joining our quest to get
the anger monkeys off our backs:

-Hi, Dave.

Good news, I fed my anger monkey
a banana this morning...

...and he's feeling much better.
More good news, you won't have to
listen to those lame jokes...

...because I'm only here
for one session.

Dave assaulted a female
flight attendant in midair.

-I bet you beat her good.

I didn't beat anybody.
I touched a woman.

Liar. Bullshitter.
You're a woman beater.

You can't admit it because you're
a piece of garbage.

I don't know about all that,
but now I understand why you're here.

I'm here because I was verbally
attacked by my neighbor.

And I took a dump on his porch.
I guess you're better than me.
That's why you can't cop to your rage.

You're superior. He's superior.
-Maybe Dave's not ready yet, Chuck.
-You're not ready. Hear what he said?

Let's introduce Dave
to some of the rest of us.

Girls, why don't you tell Dave
what brought you here.

I'm sure he'd love to listen
to what you guys have to say.

We always do.
-Come on, Dave. Join us.

Okay. Well, we're
in the adult film industry.

And we're lovers.
One day, Gina was having sex
with this Filipino guy Melo...

-...which was cool, it was in the script.

And then I asked Melo
back to the house with us...

...which is cool, because,
well, we like a little variety.
