Anything Else

How? l could always sing.
Of course you can sing.
l'm not saying that.

But things change.
Styles, the cabaret business...

Can't you be more supportive?
You're so competitive!

l am not!
l hate my voice!

[Falk:] Please.
You both have very good voices.

l thought l'd put a few songs together
and you could write
between-the-songs talk for me.

- l've never done that sort of thing.
- Just some banter. Notjokes.

l couldn't tell a joke if my life
depended on it. Just some chit-chat.

The truth is,
l'm kind of snowed under right now...

Oh, God!
ls nobody on my side?

Jerry, you could do it.
This stuff comes so easily to you.

- You just said this is a fool's errand.
- What did you call me?

lt's an expression.
l know. l tried to dissuade her,
but she won't listen to me.

l'm trying to finish my book.
These comics are pressing me.

- l've taken deposits from them.
- Oh, forget l even asked.

Okay. l never said l wouldn't do it.
l just have to fit it in.
lt won't be arduous!
l have lots of ideas!

l'm even having a piano delivered!
- [Falk:] Here?
- lt's a rental.

- l had to rehearse!
- There's no room for a piano.

Because you don't maximize your space!
l was an interior decorator.
Tell him, Amanda.

l know this is a real pain,
but it's temporary.

You mean like our lovemaking?
Could you not be gross?
[Falk:] As the days passed,
Dobel and l got closer and closer.

After he finished school,
we'd meet in Central Park.

He'd usually expound on something.
[Dobel:] You think quantum physics
has the answer?

l mean, what purpose
does it serve for me

that time and space
are exactly the same thing?

l ask a guy what time it is,
he tells me six miles?
