Asonot Shel Nina, Ha-

Mom says he's shitty and doesn't
show enough interest in me,

but I miss
his yellow shoes.

I spent a lot of time
with Nina and Haimon.

Mostly with Haimon.
Wait here for
a minute, okay?

I'll be right back.
May I?
Do you know me?
No, don't think so.
- You don't know me?
- No.

Take a good look.
No, I don't know you.
You don't know me.
Anyway, nice to meet you,
I'm Menachem.

Take a good look.

I really don't know you.
What if I tell you that you do
know me 'cause you're a bastard?

Maybe you confused me
with someone else.

No way, it's you.
- I even thought about you the other day.
- About me?

- What do you want?
- Let me tell you a story.

Two nights ago,
I'm sitting at home.