Asonot Shel Nina, Ha-

You're doing reserves duty, why are
you wearing those dance trousers?

They're Bedouin pants. In our unit
we're allowed to wear them.

Don't they wear them
in those Georgian dances?

I think they're more Muslim.
I once saw this dance company
from the Georgian Republic.

They keep jumping on their knees,
doesn't that ruin their knees?

They must wear kneepads.
Kneepads, eh?
4 Cokes, 4 Sprites,
4 orange juice,

coffee, Turkish and instant,
5 bags of pita bread.
Write it down.

3 bags of pretzels,
5 kilos of croissants.
We don't need so many.
It's a lot of people, Nina.
Okay, write down
4 kilos of croissants.

Plastic cups too.
I was sad, because I
started liking Haimon.

But the day he was killed,
the happiest time of my life began.
