
but we can't give up now.
I want to be somewhere
where I can be well-off...

or not... , because it's a matter
of luck.

Seeing my family's situation,
I have to help.

I'll stay alone here...
:22:23 struggle. But I encourage him
to leave and make it.

I don't want to make him sad,
but he has to understand me.

It's not easy.
Separating isn't easy.
What will I tell my little girl?
I'll say: "Daddy went shopping...".
Little lies like that...

but nothing will be the same.
"I sense my soul...
already growing old..."
When my Oscar left...
I felt the sky tumbling down.
He took my heart.
Before he left...
my grandmother...
gave him an amulet
to keep him safe.
His grandmother gave him
a little boat

to get there safe, alive.
We had never before parted.
Since he was the male
we all spoiled him,

...that's why he always did
what he wanted.
