Beyond Borders

Thank you.
Now, ladies and gentlemen,
as you know, one of the reasons
we're here tonight

is to show our appreciation
to Lawrence Bauford

for all the great work
he's done

as Chairman of Aid Relief

Sir... Sir!
Oh, darling.
-She's cut.
-Oh God.

Are you all right?
You ask me,
it's a bloody rip-off.

1 ,000 quid
for an over-cooked meal

and a dry hump
on the dance floor,

but still, we're all
getting drunk for a good cause.

Get him out of here.
lt's a bit difficult...
Well, bloody do something.
20 quid a head right there.
Diwy a room rental,
maybe another 20.

30 on catering.
lt's got to be 50 quid
on overhead.

There you go, Jojo.
That's your cut.
Oh, l'm sorry.
You haven't met.
This is Jojo.
Actually, he's curious
about your dinner

because when l met him,
he was so hungry

he was trying
to eat his own tongue.

Funny enough, they don't do
Caesar salad with that.

No, listen,
l'll be honest, and l do want
to be honest.

He was a pile of bones
in a pool of shit,
and l don't mean
civilized shit either.

This was the yellow stuff,
liquid fucking evil.
Anyhow, l've got 2000 kids
in my camp in Africa

with the same problem,
and some fucking asshole here
has pulled our funding.

So l guess l'm just going
to have to feed them flies.

Now, Jojo here,
he wanted to know why.

So l showed him this.
''Due to the repressive
political climate,
