Beyond Borders

So we rely on our partners,
the network of aid groups
blazing a trail across crises,

like El Salvador, Angola,
Chechnya, Sri Lanka...
those NGO's, the non-
governmental groups from OXFAM

right down
to the smallest outfits

run by people like Elliott

...and l pray for those
who survive him--

who continue his work--
without certainty or security--
wherever they may be
in this world.

Excuse me.
Thanks for coming.
Listen, l travel
thousands of miles

to hear my sister
give a speech,

l got a backache and jet lag.
What's a taxi ride to the park?
Are they angry?

No. They don't care, Sarah.
l think they actually
kind of enjoyed it.

''She's nuts'' makes
for much better conversation

than ''Nice speech.''
l got a letter from Nick,
and l think he's in trouble.
Why? What did he say?
Nothing, really.
Just little things.

Well, where is he?
He's in Chechnya.
He's running
some sort of camp.

l'm really not sure.
l need to find him.
So, you have contacts.
You can find out where he is.
So, please?
Sarah, sweetheart,
you know as well as l do

that Chechnya is
a very dangerous place.

Yes, l can angle
a story there, l'm sure.

lf l find out anything,
l will let you know. Okay?
