Big Fish

l don't want to eat you.
l don't want to eat anybody.

l just get so hungry.
l'm just too big.

Did you ever think that
maybe you're not too big...

...but maybe this town
is just too small?

l've heard in real cities
there are buildings so tall...

:24:18 can't even see
the tops of them.

-Oh, l wouldn't lie to you.

And all-you-can-eat buffets.
-Now, you can eat a lot, can't you?
-l can.

So why are you wasting your time
in a small town?

You're a big man.
You should be in a big city.

You're just trying to get me
to leave, aren't you?

-What's your name, giant?

Well, mine's Edward.
And truthfully....

Well, l do want you to leave, Karl.
But l want to leave with you.

l mean, you think this town
is too small for you?

Well, it's too small for a man
of my ambition.

So, what do you say? Join me?
Now, first, we gotta
get you ready for the city.

Edward Bloom, first son of Ashton...
:25:28's with a heavy heart
that we see you go.

But take with you
this key to the city...

...and know that any time
you want to come back...

...all our doors are open to you.
That afternoon as I left Ashton,
everyone seemed to have advice.

Find yourself a nice girl, now!
Watch your pride, Edward Bloom!
But there was one person whose
counsel I held above all others.
