
Won't you turn them
into tears of gladness?

How shall l see you
through my tears?

Yeah, yeah, yeah
What are you doing here?
Aren't you, like, 30?

Come on!
Excuse me, is there someplace
we're supposed to check in?

Over there.
- ls this your first summer?
- l was here last year.

Remember? We were in
Night. Mother together.

You're Jill Simmons.
My name's Fritzi.

Fritzi. Of course.
Let me.
You have the number
at the ship.

Call me whenever you need me.
This is Glen,
the camp director.

- l know.
- Go to him if you have a problem.

That's enough, Mom.
You're embarrassing me.

We'll take very good care of him.
- Give me a hug.
- l can't breathe!

My role model
in everything Nubian.

What are you doing here?
l thought you had to go to
Weight Watchers Camp this summer.

We wanted her to,
but she insisted on
going back to Camp Ovation.

So we compromised
and had her jaw wired shut.

You can hardly tell.
l dim the lights
and think about you

Spend sleepless nights
and think about you
