Capturing the Friedmans

as to what Arnold
and/or Jesse did to them.

And Judge Boklan,
she's you know,

a pretty strong-willed judge.
And she's pretty unmovable
when she makes her decision.

There was never a doubt in
my mind as to their guilt.

And remember, I'd been
around for a while.

This wasn't, you know, the first
sex case that I had ever seen.

In fact, my previous law
secretary used to tease me

that we were the pervert part.
And having been, you know, head
of the Sex Crimes Unit myself,

where, you know, I had young
boys who were sodomized,

in fact, one who
killed himself

you know, after the sentence
of the abuser.

I mean, some horrible

So for me to be so outraged,
I mean, this was really
very, very bad

what was going on there.
It was like someone's
worst nightmare.

Who would even think
of doing these things?

And to do them in a group
and with so many witnesses.

The scenario, as posted by
the media and the police

was so incredibly way out,
it was hard for me to
believe that it was true.

We now welcome, also in
Los Angeles, Debbie Nathan.

Debbie is an investigative
freelance journalist,

who has been covering
the McMartin and other

abuse trials around the country.
All these parents
are bizarro, huh?

They're all whacked?
Well, it's not really fair,
I don't think

to deal simply with
these parents

or with this particular case.
You have to understand that
all over the country

there is a hysteria.
And I don't think that
it's a question

with most of these
kids of lying.

I think that they have been
brainwashed, if you will.

I was one of the first writers
for the mass media

to look at those cases
critically and question them.

So as a result of that, having
done a lot of that work,

I got a lot of letters
from people.

And my father wrote to Debbie
and said, I don't know,

said, "Help me. "
And she has been the only
person outside the family

that said, "I believe you. "
In the Friedman case,
the basic charges were
completely implausible.
