Capturing the Friedmans

First of all, you'd have
to believe that blood

is coming out of these
children's orifices,

that they're screaming,
that they're crying,
that their clothes are soiled
from semen and from blood.

And yet their parents show up.
Sometimes they show up

Everything looks fine.
Was there any physical evidence
in the case that was relevant?

Or it was the case
really strictly based on

the statements of the kids?
It was more testimony.
There was a dearth
of physical evidence.

I don't even recall
whether there was

any physical evidence that
would have indicated

one way or another that
these events took place.

I don't think that they're
sitting around with any kind

of diabolical or
conspiratorial agenda

to go out and falsely
accuse Arnold Friedman

or railroad Jesse Friedman.
But nobody's critiquing them.
Nobody's telling them that
there's a right way

and a wrong way to do this.
Nobody's saying that we've got
a problem in this culture

with hysteria around this issue.
And so they're really free
to let their fantasies fly.

I think the most
overwhelming thing was

the enormous amount
of child pornography.

You would just have to walk
into the living room,

and it'd be piled
around the piano.

There were literally foot-high
stacks of pornography,

in plain view,
all around the house.

But photos taken
during the search

showed nothing of the kind.
But as far as the families were
concerned, I don't want to

use the word that they were
competitive with each other.

I don't know if it's
to that extent.

You know, sometimes it'd be some
idle conversation about,

you know, another boy, you know,
"He was sodomized 5 times,

but my son was sodomized
6 times," you know,

as if that meant something in
the overall scheme of things.

There's a whole community
atmosphere that gets created

in a mass-abuse case
like this,

where the families are
talking to each other,

they're going to
community meetings,

or they're calling on
the phone all the time.

They're seeing each other
in group therapy.
