Chalte Chalte

Raj Sameer is my childhood friend
And i know her very well
Now if you didn't meet me in my childhood,
then whats my fault

You can know me now
Please give me a chance
Then after that what ever you want to decide,
just make up your mind

The decisions of life are
not taken like that

And life is not spent the way you
think about it

Commitment is also something,
London Paris America

From every where my relatives
are coming to Athens

lnfact they must have reached there
My presence over there is
really very important, Raj

And what about me?
Raj you are a very nice person
And definatly you will get a nice girl
l got one, but she also wants to go
l have to go
Should l leave you some where?
You already left me...
Oh moti
This is so old that you were not even born
She used to live there
Every day l used to look at her
Some times in the Balcony,
some times at the door
