Chalte Chalte

And its really important for you to be there
Or else they will cancel you subsi diary
lts not subsi dairy,
its subsidry

Yes that, it will be cancelled
Forget that,
- What! ls this the way to do business

Brother Manu i dont know
how to do business

But love is done this ways
Oh what hell love is done like that!
He says love is done this ways
ls love done this ways?
l am also comming to greece, i mean going
Priya now what should l say...
Actually, in my child hood i heard a story
A love story
The Heroin is leaving the hero
And the hero gives up
Then the whole life he thinks that,
if he would have stoped her or atleast try

Then may be it would make it
l know priya, i dont have a chance
But l dont want to wish for it my whole life
Raj how many times i have
made you understand

l have understood it well,
but this heart doesn't

You sit please
We are in the same plane now...
Excuse me uncle
We both are together
So what can i do?
l was thinking that can i sit here?
You will sit on me?
No why would l sit on you Uncle
