City of Ghosts

Iast September.
What do you think?

It's a sophisticated
Ponzi scheme...

Iike that outfit operating
out of Belgium last year...

selling disaster insurance...
with no intention
of paying any claims.

I bet the farm this guy
is connected somehow.

We just got to keep on digging.
Collect call
from United States...

from Jimmy.
I accept. Jimmy, it's Kaspar.
I need to talk to him now.
He's unreachable.
He's not in Bangkok.
He's not in town.

He's not in Ba...
Well, where is he?
Cambodia. That's all I know.
But he's supposed to call in.
Perhaps I can help.

we ran a check on you.
You came up clean.
We're sorry you had
to go through all this...

but a lot of people
got swindled.

Even you were misled,
so it seems.

This investigation
is just now getting underway.

And we're gonna need
your cooperation down the road.

what's gonna happen
to the people...

who lost their homes?
That'll be up to
the State Liquidation Bureau.

There'll be some kind
of compensation, I imagine...

but nothing like
those policies promised.

And what about this Mr. Nagel?
Any luck with him?
I'm afraid
Mr. Nagel never existed.

But when we pinpoint
who it is...

that was fronting
that operation--

and we do believe
it's someone from your office--

we'll get Mr. Nagel.
It's just a matter of time.
we would appreciate it
if you'd stick around town...

till this thing's resolved.
Anything I can do to help.
One more thing.
We'd like it if you'd
turn over your passport...

for the time being.
Of course,
you're under no obligation.
