Cold Creek Manor

Sorry to bother you, sir.
We're gonna need to spend
a little money on the pump.

Is it okay to send
one of the boys to the store?

- Sure.
Just give me a second, okay?
- No problem.
- The best, from the 1870s,

are in the SoHo-Cast Iron

Cast-iron architecture
was a mass-produced

American architectural...

New York, New York, huh?
You got a lot
of great equipment.

American architectural
innovation of the 19th...



Man, this room used to
terrify me when I was a kid.

- It was my daddy's study.
- Cast-iron architecture...

How much?
Couple hundred, max.
- Here.
- Thank you.

What do you make of these?
Uh, I don't know.
- You're a historian, right?
- What do you think they're for?
- I have absolutely no idea.

What are they for?
They're killing hammers.
Back in the day,
when Cold Creek Farm
was in its heyday,

there were 20,000 sheep here.
Come the season, they were
slaughtering 1,000 a day.

That's a lot of bullets, right?
So my grandfather and his
blacksmith, they designed these.

Pretty cool, huh?
Check this out.
Look at the spike.

Straight into the brain.
Small, little, clean hole
right through the skull.

No bone splinters.
And no pain.
Design got better
and better over the years.

Then the bolt gun came out.
It became redundant.
Seems to be one missing.
