Cold Mountain

Sometimes I think I'm crazy
when I'm just hungry,

Now drink this,
It eases the pain, and you'll sleep,

Is she waitin' for ya,
this Ada Monroe?

She was,
I don't know,
Or even if she knows me,
lie down,
I'm like the boy
who goes for wood in winter

and comes back in spring with a whistle,
like every fool sent off to fight
with a flag and a lie,

That's the laudanum gettin' to ya,
That's good,

Say somethin' more,
She got me a book,
Ada Monroe,
A man by the name of Bartram,
He wrote about his travels,
just readin' the name of a place...
near home...
Sorell Cove,
Bishop's Creek,
Those places
belonged to people before us,

To the Cherokee,
what did he call Cold Mountain?
How could a name...
not even a real name...
