Daddy Day Care

Just trying to read a story.
Listen, man...
I know I was really busy today
taking care of those other kids.

I know it probably wasn't easy for you
sharing your toys...

and watching Daddy
do rocket ship with everybody, but...

Now it's just us,
we can do whatever you want to do.

- Can we read this story?
- We sure can read this story.

All right.
"There once was a herd of elephants.
"Elephants young, elephants old,
elephants tall and short, fat and thin.

"All were different, but all were happy,
and almost all were the same color.

"And they all made the elephant sound."
They all said...

Let me hear you make that sound.
Do it again?
No, I can't do it again,
because Daddy might have an aneurysm.

Hey, guys, sorry I'm late.
I'm not cleaning this up.
Hey, take this in there. Go sit down.
Maybe I haven't had my coffee yet,
but it seems like these kids are multiplying.

- Yeah, we got two new kids.
- Oh, come on!

We'll have to up our game.
We need structure and planned activities.

No, we need Ritalin and leashes,
that's what we need.

All we'll need is this.
Everybody, let's do this.
Everybody, come in here.
Okay, let's try another play. Let's try this.
Let's try this. Here's what we'll do.
This new play's called the Baby Blitz.
I want you to hang back and do a lateral.
I want you to go down the middle
for a buttonhook.
