
ExceIIent, pussycat.
What are you doing?
You don't want to cut
the upholstery

because it has to Iook perfect.
GIoria, teII them to be
carefuI in Hungarian.

Fuck up.
We speak EngIish,

If you fuck this up,
I wiII fuck you both
in the ass with this gun,

and it Iooks
you're gonna Iike it.

Back to work.
I can see you're aII
as happy to be here as I am.

- AIicia?
- The sub in Math booked me.

ApparentIy he didn't think me
having to pee aII the damn time

was a Iegitimate excuse
for being Iate for cIass.

What is this, a maternity ward?
Look, you don't have to stick around.
Why don't you go home?

- What? What?
- Nah, it's okay, Mr. Decker.

I'II do my time. It's okay.
- Evening, Mr. Neeson.
- Hey, MiIt.

- Ready for the weekend?
- You betcha.

Listen, I got a teacher
and four students in detention.

- Don't forget 'em, huh?
- Right. I'II Iet them out.

- Anyone eIse, sir?
- No, that's it.

- Oh, hi.
- I thought you'd be gone by now?
