
90 seconds, Sam.
Tempest she fugit, huh?
Hey, give me a hand! Shit.
Oh, right. A fence.
A fuckin...

Yeah, that's gonna hoId them off!
Yo, shut up, man.
Why don't you give me a rope?

Genius got a idea?
I have an idea.
Why don't you go and heIp him?

UnIess you know
how to deIiver this baby.

- Rope. Rope. We need rope?
- Yeah.

- AII right.
- Faster!

Shut up. Shut up.
Shut up, shut up,
shut up, shut up!

Shut up!
Look, he's in the metaI shop.
I repeat,
the metaI shop. Go.

Not another move, buddy boy.
Oh, hi officer, ah...
Down the stairs, now.
Yeah, sure, we're just
having a IittIe party.

Shut up, and get up
against the raiI.

Okay, sure.
I'm Mr. PheIps.
I'm the drama teacher.

- Don't make another move.
- I won't.

You make one move,
and I wiII kiII you.

- You got that?
- Yes, I do.

- Bang!
Got you good, huh?
You said steaIth
and siIence.

And you said,
onIy one security guard.
