Dil Ka Rishta

I think I'd rather marry Tia
and take her away...

instead of giving her something
What say?
You're right. I think it's time
the two of you got married

But are you going to bother Tia
even after the wedding?

AbsoIuteIy. This fun and Iaughter
is what Iife is aII about

So Iet's decide the rest
of the things too

The rest of the things...?
- I have no one of my own

So I'II myseIf have to
taIk about the dowry, right?

As you know, Raj... everything
I possess, beIongs to Tia

What eIse do you want?
TeII me

Think it over, mother.
- Raj, what are you...?

I've thought it over.
What do you want, teII me

You, mother
I want a mother in dowry
I don't want to be orphaned
aII over again

But a mother does not Iive
in her daughter's house

She Iives in her son's house,
doesn't she?

Even if you don't caII me your son,
treat me Iike one, mother

Say yes mother
I have everything today, Mother.

Take your girIfriend to a seven-star
and she says she Ioves you

Here's the seven-star
Wait... where are we going?
Get down
- Where eIse?

But you said...
- Seven-star. This is the one

Even if it's a smaII pIace,
one must have a Iarge-heart

You got to be hungry to eat.
Are you hungry?
