Dil Ka Rishta

Where are you taking it?
- Let me serve dinner, sir

What for? We're going
to be happy with the cake

I'II have the upper-deck,
Tia'II have the Iower one

Nice joke...
- I'm not joking!

Raj, I'II never forget
this IoveIy evening!

Neither wiII I.
After aII those dishes...

I mean, we have yet to eat
PIease get me the biII.
- Your biII has been paid, sir

But pIease give me the biII.
- As I said, sir...

Maybe I Iook Iike a tramp,
but I'm a decent guy

You can adjust with me, if I'm short
of dough. You can keep my watch

Sir, you do crack nice jokes.
- I don't crack jokes at aII

I'm a serious man.
- So am I...

and I teII you seriousIy
that your biII has been paid

This is strange!
Who couId have paid the biII?

I know who paid it.
- Who?

Was it fun?
Jai, I've toId you in pIain terms that
there is no pIace for you in my Iife

So why did you...?
- So you're the one who sent...

those fIowers and the cake...?
I'm very happy to meet you

What makes me more happy is that you
have changed the coIour of our evening

Not at aII. Such a big day in
Tia's Iife and this dingy pIace...?
