Dil Ka Rishta

the whoIe worId knows
This reIationship of hearts
is so IoveabIe

This intimacy between our hearts
is so IoveabIe

Don't cry, Anshu...
Iook, Papa's here

What happened, Raj?
- I'm tired, mother

I'm tired of Iife, Tia. I have
the same rickety motorbike...

the same irritating Iife...
shut up!

I thought my Iife wouId change after
you came... but nothing happened

The same oId mobike!
- Am I...?

And I thought Anshu wouId be
bring me a stroke of good Iuck

But it's the same oId motorbike!
When you can't get your motorbike...

serviced properIy,
how is my son to bIame?

Who's bIaming him? I ask,
when Anshu grows up...

how wiII the three of us
go on the motorcycIe?

On the rickety motorcycIe!
- Yes! How wiII we move on it?

Like everyone eIse does!
Raj, we are happy. Even if
we're making Iess money...

we are at Ieast happy, aren't we?
- But I'm not happy!

I think I'II give up...
I can't take the nagging!

- Why think? I give up!

Right now, I give up!
- What's gotten into him?

Go and find out. Go
What's gotten into you, Raj?
- I said, I give up!

I toId you, I give up!
I give up this rickety motorbike!

For you, a new car!
A new car and an oId driver
You don't want a new driver,
do you?
