Dillo con parole mie

Come on, here's a piece of paper.
Go ahead.
My brain must be in stereo.
I can draw and talk
at the same time!

I think it's way important to have
similar cultural backgrounds.

Let's talk about movies.
I think "Love Story" is great.

The book was good too.
Well, I saw the movie!
Maybe they wrote a book afterwards.
Comparing a book to a movie
is like totally absurd!
How about music?
Thatcher was like royally strict.
- She's not a school teacher.
- Okay, so I don't know who she is.

But punk music was a counter-reaction.
- A real artist has to...
- Have a nemesis.

Everyone says that.
What is this?
You want right-winged extremism
so you can

listen to revolutionary music
in your bedroom?

Pick another topic.
The 1980's!
- The 80's were horrible!
- You don't like anything!

What are we supposed to talk about?
You get one more chance.
TV shows.

The "Love Boat" rocked!
- And "Eight Is Enough".
- Girlie shows.

What about "Facts of Life"?
Could you get any more pathetic?
The best minds of my generation
were brainwashed by "Facts of Life".

- You feel all right?
- I'm fine.

You're getting sunstroke.
